Anna studied traditional oil painting and figurative drawing at the Aegean Centre for the Fine Arts on Paros and at Grand Central Atelier in New York. She specialises in colorful abstract expressionist drawings and in atmospheric black&white pencil illustrations.
She initially zoomed in on pencil work because it doesn’t require a studio, and next fell in love with the versatility of this single, simple medium and with the endless ways it can be used for artistic expression.
She draws inspiration from jazz melodies and from the Mid Century Modern colors, illustrations and fabrics of her childhood.
Anna thinks of drawing both as a meditative practice and as dancing with a pencil. Her intention is to give the viewer a pleasant aesthetic and emotional experience, and to remind people of happiness and freedom — for if the artist doesn’t do it, who does?
Raised in Flanders, Anna lived in Brussels, Big Sur and LA before settling down on Paros in 2009.
She is represented by Todd Marshard in Lefkes and by Rabee Younes: https://arttherapyparos.com/collections/anna-de-roo